This is now certain information. Law and Justice party won 6 seats in the Krosno-Przemyskie district:
Marek Kuchciński - 23,128 votes, the best result in the district (Przemyśl),
Bogdan Rzonecka - 15,623 votes (Jaslo),
Mieczyslaw Golba - 12,332 votes (Yaroslavl),
Stanislaw Piotrowicz - 12,325 heads. (Loom),
Kazimierz Ziobro - 8,234 votes (Yaroslavl),
Piotr Babinetz - 7,239 head (Loom).
For the Senate, we won all the seats, viz:
Alicja Zając - 63,552 heads, or 53.71 % (Jaslo),
Andrzej Matusiewicz - 72,861 heads, or 39.45% (Przemysl).
Thank you very much for your trust and support in the election.
Article updated on: 11.10.2011.