450 years ago the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, following the principle "free with free, equal with equal", concluded an equal union of both states (and consequently of both nations). Modern parliamentarism was built. Today the Union of Lublin shows us clearly how a political community can strengthen nations while respecting their traditions.
At the General Sejm in Lublin on July 1, 1569 One of the most powerful and modern states on the continent and one of the longest existing unions. The act of union brought to life multinational and multi-religious community. This collection of many cultures had strong bindings based on values that unite people: tolerance, respect, dialogue. The result of the agreement was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which not only proved not only turned out to be a sanctuary of democracy, which the world had not experienced at that time, but It was a space in which the West and the East coexisted, creating a new civilization. The culture, achievements, experiences of the East, as well as of the West and the East, were the basis of a new civilization. The culture, achievements and experiences of the East met with the progress, energy and wealth of the West. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a state transcending the community of interests. It was also a kind of Antemurale Christianitatis. Antemurale Christianitatis. Poland and Lithuania joined their intellectual, economic and military forces, economic and military forces. The Christian bulwark erected in Lublin was a hope hope for the security of the whole Europe at that time.
In the text agreed upon by the Seimas of Poland and Lithuania in 1569, we read that the Union caused: "That the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are one inseparable and united body, and the Republic of Poland, not threatened but one and united, which has been one people„.
These words are still important today. They show the unity and They show unity and community of values, including faith. The role of both parliaments was also extremely important, They were able to work out a common position and make a courageous decision The role of both parliaments, which were able to work out a common position and take a courageous decision resulting from years of experience and negotiations, was also extremely important.
This type of democratic conduct is we still need today. We want to restore the activity of the parliamentary assemblies We want to restore the activity of the parliamentary assemblies of Poland and Lithuania, as well as of the neighboring countries that have grown out of the Union's heritage, and to activate We want to activate parliamentary diplomacy, especially in our part of Europe.
Today, that Union no longer exists, it is different: European Union, we also have an Alliance, but a much broader one - the North Atlantic Alliance. This, however, does not relieve us of the responsibility for the close cooperation between Lithuania and Poland, for the exchange of experiences at the parliamentary and governmental level. There is a conclusion from the past - the cooperation between Poland and Lithuania strengthens the political potential of both countries. Poles and Lithuanians were able to decide the fate of Europe in the past. The more frequent our contacts are, the better the cooperation. Referring to the thoughts and political activities of President Lech Kaczynski, who visited Lithuania 16 times during his presidency, a principle should be adopted, namely that building internal agreements within larger international structures may give Poland and Lithuania a stronger influence on the processes taking place in the modern world.
Despite the passage of hundreds of years, we face similar challenges as the parliaments of the two nations in 1569: ensuring tolerance for different religions, cultures, political views. Solutions, based on the multinational tradition of the Jagiellonian monarchy are a rich source of inspiration today. This anniversary should therefore be for us all all of us to reflect, to feel proud and to believe in the conviction that unity strengthens sovereignty. strengthens sovereignty.
Marek Kuchciński
Greetings from Marshal Marek Kuchciński to Lithuania (Address to the Seimas of Lithuania)
Dear Sirs,
450 years ago our ancestors decided to to unite the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
They thus confirmed the will of our societies to strengthen cooperation based on previous hundreds of years of of neighbourhood. This was the will to conclude a union of free with free and equal with equal, with respecting the sovereignty of each of the states united in the union.
We had a common, jointly elected king, who was also Grand Duke of Lithuania, a common Seym and a common foreign policy and common defence. But at the same time we had separate armies - Crown and Lithuanian armies, separate state treasuries, central offices, legal systems and official languages. legal systems and official languages.
But whenever we were together, we were strong, and our role and voice in Europe was momentous and serious.
Today, let us also be together - united in common values: freedom, sovereignty and democracy.
Hail Poland, Hail Lithuania! For centuries to come
June 13, 2019. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland has taken resolution on the 450th anniversary of the Polish-Lithuanian union
The Lithuanian Seimas also unanimously adopted a resolution on the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin.

On Sunday, June 30, Lublin will hold ceremonies commemorating this event. They will be attended by, among others: Speakers of the Sejm and the Senate, the President of the Seimas and top government officials and a number of foreign guests, including delegations from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.