Speaker of the Sejm: There is no such thing as a PiS state. Poland is one

- There is no such thing as a PiS state. Poland is one," Sejm Speaker Marek Kuchciński said on TVP Info's "Guest of the News", commenting on the opposition's allegations.

The Speaker, responding to the opposition's accusations during Wednesday's debate on his dismissal, said he treats such remarks as a taunt. - There is no such thing as a PiS state. Poland is one. The authorities are elected democratically. The one who wins the election introduces his election program - he said.
Asked how he accepts the opposition's accusations that he is a PiS soldier, he said that being a soldier serving the Polish state is the highest honor. - Thank you for that. It is a great honor for me - he added. He argued that as Speaker, he acts in the interest of the parliamentary majority.

Assessing the December events in the Sejm, he said that he was too tolerant. - I was too liberal in my approach to violations of the law by deputies, mainly from the opposition. Those who in the common language we call political hooligans. They consciously and repeatedly break internal regulations, i.e. the rules of the Sejm. They speak out of turn, they behave badly - he enumerated. He stressed that the Speaker of the Sejm must react in order to protect the prestige of the Sejm. - It is a matter of coincidence that one of the deputies has been excluded for this reason, as he had broken the regulations many times before," he added.

Speaker Kuchciński also commented on MP Szczerba's complaint to the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The guest of the program recalled that from December 2015 to December 2016, MP Szczerba was the most frequent violator of the rules of procedure. He stressed that everyone has the right to appeal against a decision that they consider to be wrong. According to the Speaker, this complaint will not be accepted. - Because it is unfounded. The Sejm's regulations indicate very clearly what an MP can do and, first of all, that he must listen to the Speaker's instructions because he is responsible for the Sejm - he explained.

text: TVP Info

photo: Rafał Zambrzycki, KS





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