Marek Kuchciński's speech during a post-election press conference with Law and Justice politicians:
We would like to thank all the inhabitants of the Podkarpacie region for the very high turnout in the parliamentary elections and their great interest and involvement in public matters concerning not only Poland, but also our homeland, Podkarpacie, its northern lands, mountainous areas and all the others. We have spent two full months of the election campaign, during which we had over five thousand face-to-face meetings with the inhabitants of not only big cities, but most of all communes, villages and parishes. Our goal was to reach as many people as possible and it bore fruit. We acted as a team. Meetings were usually organized among several candidates to Sejm and Senate and this also brought results. Since we will act together in the Parliament, we could emphasize this community here. At the same time we cooperated with representatives of local governments, districts and communes. This also resulted in plans and projects. I will give some examples of our work, which are the basis for the conviction that in the next term the activities we have planned will be successful:
✔️ great development of Stalowa Wola and other armaments plants that will receive 6 billion PLN in orders ✔️ development of aviation industry and other plants between Rzeszow and Mielec
✔️ reclaiming for the state Zakłady Taboru Kolejowego in Gniewczyn, in the Tryńcza commune, unhappily privatised a dozen or so years ago ✔️ reclaiming Autosan from private hands, which started producing electric cars based on the technical ideas of engineers only, Stopping the privatisation of Jedlicze refinery ✔️ Developing the gas, oil and chemical industry in the south using those gas deposits which are currently being rediscovered.
We want to continue increasing the accessibility of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, not only from the Polish side, so not only Via Carpatia, not only the renovation of railroad line 30 to Medyka, but we are also thinking about the south, directing our attention to supporting railroad and road infrastructure, which will connect Poland with Slovakia, Hungary and so on. This is to serve the development and increase the attractiveness of Podkarpacie in every area.
Results of PiS candidates in Podkarpacie in order of number of votes:
okr. 22 Marek Tadeusz KUCHCIŃSKI - 1 number on list 61262
okr. 23 Krzysztof SOBOLEWSKI - 1 list no. 38912
ca. 23 Ewa Maria LENIART - 2 list no. 36305
PAC. 23 Marcin Józef WARCHOŁ - 30th number on list 28495
okr. 23 Rafał WEBER - 10 No. on the list 26746
okr. 22 Anna Katarzyna SCHMIDT-RODZIEWICZ - No. 2 on the list 26246
okr. 22 Piotr Marcin URUSKI - No. 3 on list 20740
okr. 23 Zbigniew Michał CHMIELOWIEC - 9 No on list 20634
ok. 22 Maria Stanisława KUROWSKA - 21 list no. 18936
okr. 23 Jan Marek WARZECHA - 11 No. on list 18913
ca. 23 Frederick Sylwester KAPINOS - 16 No. on list 18450
okr. 23 Kazimierz Edward GOŁOJUCH - 8 number on list 18306
okr. 23 Kazimierz Marian MOSKAL - 6 number on list 17444
ca. 23 Jerzy Stanisław PAUL - 12 number on list 16094
okr. 23 Andrzej SZLACHTA - 4 No. on list 15115
okr. 22 Piotr Mieczyslaw BABINETZ - 4 number on list 13360
ward. 22 Teresa PAMUŁA - 8 No. on list 12905
okr. 23 Krystyna Małgorzata WRÓBLEWSKA - No. 5 on List 12738
ca. 22 Adam Walenty ŚNIEŻEK - 6 List 11260
okr. 22 Tadeusz CHRZAN - 10 number on list 11177
ca. 23 Bernadeta Dorota FRYSZTAK - 20 List 11120
okr. 23 Wojciech BUCZAK - 7 number on list 10429
okr. 22 Stanislaw PIOTROWICZ - 5th number on list 10293