The Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński met with the inhabitants of Jasienica Rosielna, a Podkarpacie town where the Law and Justice party received over 85% of votes in the European elections. and Justice supported over 85% of voters.
Zdzislaw Szmyd, the starost of the brzozowski district, emphasized that the electoral success of Law and Justice party in Jasienica stems from the policy pursued in the district and It is based on the fact that local governments are for the people and at their disposal. to their disposal.
The Speaker of the Sejm thanked for the votes for PiS and the support, which gives strength to continue work, especially in the time when opposition leads The Speaker thanked the voters who voted for PiS and their support, which gives strength to continue working, especially at a time when the opposition is waging a non-substantive fight. He recalled that Jasienica Rosielna had the best results since he remembers, even from the time of presidential elections, in which Lech Kaczyński ran for office. Lech Kaczyński ran for president.
- Those who visit Podkarpacie - whether from other regions Poland or from abroad - congratulate us on the wonderful environment you create. Each of our lands is characterized by something special, something unique, and we, as public servants, try to promote them, reinforcing the that we are a model to follow - said the Marshal.
Marek Kuchciński emphasized the credibility of the party. - We keep word, we consult with you on our programs, but there is still much to be to do - he said.
Law and Justice has successfully implemented, among other things:
- 500 plus program - from July 1 this year. extended to every child
- School starter kit of PLN 300 for children going to schools
- 13. retirement
- retirement pension for mothers of four or more children
- free drugs for seniors over 75
- lowering the retirement age after unfair extension by the previous government
- reducing labour costs
- tax exemption for working people young - up to 26 years old
- lowering unemployment
- reduction of tax crime
- historical politics
- fostering Christian values
- protection of national and religious symbols
- changes in the education system
- the return of Poles who left work abroad
- a strong voice on issues of ideology and migration in the European Union
- state policy supporting parenting
- protection of polish households against increases in energy prices
- support agriculture and seek more funds in the Union
- reducing the number of families living in poverty, especially those with many children
- restoring bus services
- assistance in thermomodernization, replacement of "fossil fuels
- grants for Rural Housewives' Circles
- restoration of cultural and sporting life regions
- Via Carpatia (S-19)
As necessary to accomplish, the Speaker further listed:
- upgrading the health service to a western level
- completing education reform
- increase of wages in the budgetary sphere
- increasing the number of dwellings
- 500 PLN for disabled people
- Increase salaries of public officials