Catholic Church helps victims of Russian aggression in Ukraine

The Catholic Church in Poland was a strong link in the support of society in the fight against communism. During martial law it gave shelter to the repressed, organized necessary medicines, food and money. The Church does not show off what is inscribed in the Christian roots of Europe - selfless help. Even today, nuns and priests are silent heroes, bringing help to thousands of Ukrainians fleeing war.

Currently, in 924 religious houses in Poland and 98 in Ukraine, religious sisters are providing spiritual, psychological, medical, and material assistance to war refugees, according to the Conference of Major Superiors of Women Religious Congregations in Poland. According to estimates, since the beginning of the war, each of the 150 religious congregations operating in Poland and Ukraine has helped from several to as many as 18 thousand people.

Caritas of the Archdiocese of Przemysl operates both locally and in Ukraine. In Przemyśl at the railway station in Perła restaurant, on Lwowska street in Tent of Hope, in the center for foreigners on Mickiewicza street, at the border crossing in Korczowa, Chotyniec, Młyny, Krościenko, in Medyka.

Every day Caritas prepares meals for refugees as well as law enforcement (firemen, policemen) and medical services. Every day we give refugees several thousand portions of hot soup, sandwiches, sweets, water, blankets, field beds, etc. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are also served free of charge to all uniformed and law enforcement personnel working at the station (over 200 meals are served daily). Volunteers provide emotional support, help with relocating refugees, transport to the train station, provide information, help with minor problems (personal assistance), and the Sisters of St. Michael and St. Felice run animations for children.

Thanks to the involvement of many people of good will, their generosity and solidarity, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Przemysl alone has already managed to transfer 63 trucks and 38 buses with food, water, dry provisions, hygiene products, medicines, blankets, etc. to Ukraine. We have ordered 100 power generators to be given to Ukrainian hospitals and public buildings.

Every day Caritas Przemysl distributes about 30 thousand sandwiches to refugees. We donate 8 pallets of food including sandwiches to the Ukrainian side for people waiting in line for border clearance. We admitted 28 sick people to the Care and Treatment Centre in Przemysl, 5 elderly people were admitted to the Caritas Rest House in Kąkolówka, and 20 mothers with children find shelter in the Caritas Mother and Child House in Przemysl. We declared to accept 80 people with disabilities to the Caritas Centre in Zboiska. Every day about 150 volunteers are involved in helping refugees. 150 volunteers.

Pope Francis thanked Poles for helping refugees: "You were the first to support Ukraine, opening your borders, your hearts and the doors of your homes to Ukrainians fleeing war. You generously offer them everything they need to live with dignity, despite the drama of the present moment. I am deeply grateful to you and I bless you from my heart!

Photo: Vatican Radio



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