The next 2 weeks will see extensive efforts to prevent the rapid spread of the coronavirus in Poland.
We act preventively and prophylactically. We take decisive steps to limit large concentrations of people in Poland.
Poland today is in a better position than many countries in the world. We operate
well in advance.
WHO has declared a pandemic state for the first time in 11 years. This shows how dangerous the situation is.
We can't allow the rate of disease increase like our neighbors.
Successfully fighting coronavirus requires quick and bold decisions. Those are the decisions we are making.
The health and lives of the Polish people are paramount. We have decided to introduce an epidemic emergency:
As of Sunday, March 15, we are temporarily reinstating border control for a period of 10 days,
Poles returning to the country must complete a 14-day home quarantine,
We do not close stores, banks and service establishments remain open,
We are placing restrictions on mall operations,
In malls, grocery stores, drugstores, pharmacies and laundromats remain open,
We ban public gatherings of more than 50 people,
restaurants, bars, and cafes will only be allowed to operate as take-out and delivery businesses.
Polish citizens who are currently staying can return to their country by land. Additionally, in cooperation with LOT Polish Airlines, we will carry out a special Flight Home operation from selected locations around the world.
On Sunday at Chopin Airport in Warsaw landed LOT Polish plane carrying Poles from London.
We must take responsible action to minimize the impact of the pandemic. We are facing a time of social testing, a time of intergenerational solidarity.
Our main goal is prevention. We've made some tough decisions, but we hope they will prevent the coronavirus from spreading further.
It is a rational compromise between the safety of citizens and convenience of life. We learn from the unpleasant experiences of other countries and do not want to repeat their mistakes.
We expect the number of illnesses to increase in the coming days. Without these decisions, the epidemic could get out of control. We cannot allow that to happen.
Responsibility, prudence, reason - that's the real cure for coronavirus.
It's going to get better, our services are running more efficiently every day, they're more.
Coronavirus is a global issue. Cases of infection are all over Western Europe. Poland compares well with its neighbors.
Taking into account the situation in Western European countries, we expect an increase in the number of cases in the coming days.
Our services are prepared for the spread of the coronavirus across Poland.
Health has no political colors. Let's not cause unnecessary panic in the society. Let's follow the recommendations that are on the websites of the Ministry of Health (MZ) and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS).
We urge the opposition not to exploit this situation politically. It concerns patients and patient safety.
We are on the front lines of a fight, but it must not be a political fight, but a fight
with coronavirus.
We want to work with all political forces to minimize the threat and fight together for public health.
Other important decisions:
We are organizing a network of single-name, infectious disease hospitals. In each province at least 1. Hospitals will have the opportunity to hospitalize for coronavirus
and other medical conditions.
With a sense of responsibility for the health of Poles, we have decided
On the cancellation of all mass events:
accurate information will be provided to event organizers by the governors.
We urge employers to maximize the implementation of remote work.
The government administration began to work remotely. At the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM), 55 percent of employees already work remotely. We will try to increase this number.
From March 12 to March 25, nurseries, kindergartens, schools and school-educational institutions - both public and private - will not conduct teaching and educational activities.