The President of Law and Justice met over the weekend with residents of the Subcarpathian cities of Mielec and Stalowa Wola. The meetings were attended by district supervisor Marek Kuchcinski, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm.
In Mielec, Jaroslaw Kaczynski referred to the current situation in the country, but also to foreign policy. Among other things, he pointed out that it is now being decided whether Poland will be ruled by Poles or people from Berlin. It can't be that one country imposes policy on Europe in the energy sphere. If there were no Nord Stream, there would be no war in Ukraine, there would be no current troubles. We are experiencing huge problems because of Germany's policies, but there was no way to stop them. In addition to the question of the form of politics is the question of content, and here the difference is very serious. - We say that Poland should be in the EU, because not being in the EU exposes you to various ailments, and you have to pay for an open EU market, and we have to have this open market, because we couldn't function without it, but you don't have a say in what happens in the EU. But the EU can't go further in this direction, so that the law doesn't apply, so that the treaties don't apply, and so that the concept of a superstate dominated by Germany is openly formulated. We have a special situation in Poland. On the one hand, we have an economic crisis - which is worldwide, and a war across our border. These are events that no one expected. The economic crisis for every citizen is troublesome and affects a huge part of the Polish people. Therefore, the authorities must react. The government is not sitting back. We have chosen the path of measures to secure and help Poles. Inflation is a global problem that countries around the world are fighting. Poland, the Law and Justice government is also doing a lot in this direction. We are securing Poland - we are stockpiling coal and all necessary energy resources. The reduction on electricity in Poland comparing European countries is also significant. Inflation will fall. Through applied, effective treatments we will achieve the goal - next year it will be significantly lower. If the opposition were in power today - the effect would be completely opposite," said Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Prior to the meeting, flowers were laid at Poland's largest monument to the Unbroken Soldiers of the Wyklętych Niezłomnych in Mielec.
In Stalowa Wola, Jaroslaw Kaczynski stressed that if the opposition comes to power, everything that Law and Justice has built will crumble. - We have done a great deal for the good of Poland during our rule, and we want to continue this. Production in Stalowa Wola will continue. SW is the main armaments plant in Poland. The bad times for Stalowa Wola will not return. Russia must know that if they start a war with us, we will be able to defend our Homeland. We must have a powerful force and the Polish Army - that's why we are conscientiously pursuing this goal and increasing spending from OKB. I wish the best for each of us. Poland is our beloved Homeland, which should be strived for and fought for, and with joint forces we can achieve even more! When we lowered CIT, there were fears that CIT revenues would fall. The opposite has happened: they have doubled. We also need to increase pensions for mothers raising several children and carry these mothers on our shoulders," argued the ruling party chairman