How to develop Bieszczady while preserving its heritage and wildlife?

Bieszczady give us so much, but at the same time they need investments; balanced development and strengthening the potential, which is the natural and cultural heritage.

The meeting of the Board of Bieszczady Poviat was a pretext to raise the issue of intensification of transborder cooperation, because border trade means growth of GDP, use of the border areas means greater attractiveness, and dispersal of tourist traffic means benefits for the nature. It is also common investment projects and common economic space, better offer bringing benefits to both sides.

The key project of the region is to be the Bieszczady Heritage Centre, where historic, revitalized buildings and post-mining areas will be transformed into a space for concerts, exhibitions and conferences. The plot of land acquired from Orlen will provide opportunities to create places for relaxation or shopping center, where you can take a piece of local artistry in the form of crafts or culinary products.

We will take care of the spirit, but also of the health, because the revitalized hospital in Ustrzyki Dolne becomes a place focused on diagnostics with a small treatment capacity, securing the basic health needs (internal medicine with pediatrics and outpatient clinics) with a developed long-term care (ZO and rehabilitation) and extra-hospital care for the elderly and chronically ill.

The Central Sports Center is also a great opportunity for the region. COS centres are the places where national teams train at various levels. Polish sports associations train young people and world-class athletes there. Such centers are therefore besieged by athletes from all over the country. However, if they are well-equipped and have modern infrastructure, they also generate interest from foreign visitors. However, this is not the end. Often COS is the heart of sports life for the entire region. Specialized trainings, coaching consultations, scientific symposia are held there. Hundreds of athletes are looking for accommodation near COS. This brings new opportunities for the development of hotel, medical and rehabilitation facilities.

A good example is the COS in Zakopane and Cetniewo, where the best live permanently in the resort, and dozens of training camps are organized simultaneously around these facilities. It may be no different in the case of Ustrzyki Dolne. There are ski jumps, downhill and cross-country skiing trails, and places for water sports.

The construction of COS means not only the development of sports, but also hotel, medical and communication infrastructure. Greater traffic of athletes and tourists is an opportunity for the development of the airport in Arłamów, and the construction of a wide road is also planned. At the same time, investments in sports-related facilities are being made throughout the Podkarpackie Province (e.g. the modern Rehabilitation and Sports Centre in Sanok).

It is estimated that the Center itself can generate about 100 jobs. Second as many can be created with cooperation in commercial terms, ski slopes and jumps - this gives the possibility of development, which no other sports center in Poland has.




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