The Parliamentary Office of the Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński in Przemyśl provides free legal advice. Everyone can take advantage of it, regardless of social status.
At the parliamentary office of the Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Marek Kuchciński - Wyb. J.Piłsudskiego 1 in Przemyśl - as a form of parliamentary activity the office of legal intervention and advice functions.
The office provides free assistance to anyone seeking it, regardless of social status or nationality. The advice concerns all kinds of matters, both in the scope of direct legal assistance, i.e. civil law, family law and they appear here most often, as well as those connected with labour law or social security. - says Katarzyna Skowron, who gives legal advice in Marshal Kuchciński's office in Przemyśl.
The office makes approximately 50 appointments per month. Most often they concern family matters.
Advice is given from Monday to Friday. To take advantage of it you must sign up in advance, waiting time for an appointment is up to a week.