75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Honor and eternal memory to the fallen defenders of Warsaw!

Letter of the Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński to the Participants and Organizers of the Ceremonies of the 75th Anniversary of the Outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. Warsaw, August 1, 2019.  

Dear Veterans, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Seventy-five years ago Warsaw took up arms on behalf of the whole nation, demanding freedom and the right to self-determination. The Warsaw Uprising was not an act of despair, but an armed act in the tradition of national liberation. It was an expression of determination of the generation that experienced partitioned slavery as well as a testimony of the highest courage of the generation born in the Second Republic and raised in the spirit of freedom values. This youth and beautiful plans were trampled in September 1939, when the German and Soviet armies took over the Polish land. The occupants brought death and destruction and tried to destroy the ideals of independence. However, those enshrined deep in the hearts and minds of Poles became the impulse to begin active resistance.

Military and political situation of that time required from the authorities of Polish Underground State difficult decisions and dramatic choices. Even though the expected support from the allies did not come and the Red Army watched Warsaw bleeding to death, the insurgents gave a clear signal to the world that Poles were ready to make the greatest sacrifices in the name of an independent Homeland.

For 63 days soldiers of the Home Army fought a heroic and lonely battle for the liberation from the German occupation and the inevitable Soviet domination. Those were the days of glory and freedom, of extraordinary valor and devotion to their Homeland. They were also days of despair, Nazi cruelty and unimaginable human tragedies. For their courage and determination the insurgents and paid a huge price for their courage and determination. Nazis wanted to raze Warsaw to the ground so that it would be an intimidating example for the whole world.

On this special anniversary day, we bow our heads before the heroes of those sixty-three bloody days - the soldiers of the Uprising, the generosity of the civilian population, as well as those who tried to help the fighting capital. We remember and will remember that we owe our freedom to the steadfastness and bravery of the insurgents.

Honor and eternal memory to the fallen defenders of Warsaw! Honor and glory to the heroes of the Uprising present among us!                                                                                                         

Marek Kuchciński

On August 31st the Sejm passed a resolution on commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.



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