Vision-Organization-Development. Cooperation of five countries - Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania - a thousand institutions, over 15 million people. Congratulations to the Carpathian Euroregion on its 30th anniversary. This is the largest euroregion in Europe, it seems to be a good, well-thought-out and promising idea. His idea was ahead of its time. I am very happy that I have been participating in building good relations in the region for 30 years, said the head of the Prime Minister's Office, Marek Kuchciński, today.
The jubilee conference of the Carpathian Euroregion was held at the headquarters of the Przemyśl Cultural Society in Przemyśl, reactivated in 2022, a historic place, because in this very tenement house 30 years ago, discussions were taking place that outlined the path of the association.
The following took part in the discussion:
- Mr. Marek Kuchciński – Minister, Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
- Mr. Adam Pęzioł - President of the Association Center of Thought of Primate Cardinal Wyszyński
- in Kamancza.
- Mr. Mariusz Kasprzyk – Director of the European Projects Service Center of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration
- Mr. prof. Andrzej Szarata – Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Cracow University of Technology/
- Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Carpathian Euroregion
- Mr. dr hab. Marek Cierpiał - Wolan, Director of the Statistical Office in Rzeszów
- Piotr Lutek, Law Firm Synergia, Lublin