Przeworsk, Sufczyna, Orły, Orzechowce, Wara, Harta, Średnia Wieś, Basznia Dolna, Jarosław, Żurawica, Ustrzyki Dolne, Łuskawiec, Żywiec, Bielsko-Biała, Krosno, Wielkie Oczy, Lesko, Święcany, Szalowa, Olszanica, Sanok, Zarzecze. During the meetings he assured that thanks to the good cooperation of the president with the parliament and the government, the laws came into force, such as:
- 500 plus program
- School starter kit PLN 300 for children going to school
- 13. retirement
- retirement pension for mothers of four or more children
- free drugs for seniors over 75
- Lowering the retirement age after an unfair extension by the previous government
- reducing labour costs
- tax exemption for working young people - up to age 26
- lowering unemployment
- reduction of tax crime
- changes in the education system
- Return of Poles who went to work abroad
- a strong voice on ideology and migration in the European Union
- state policy supporting parenthood
- protection of polish households against energy price increases
- support agriculture and seek more funding from the Union
- decreasing the number of families living in poverty, especially those with many children
- restoring bus services
- assistance in thermomodernization, replacement of "fossil fuels
- grants for Rural Housewives' Circles
- restoration of cultural and sporting life in the regions
- Via Carpatia (S-19)

On the last day of the campaign Andrzej Duda once again visited Podkarpacie, where he argued that as a president he will base the future of the country on two pillars: family and economy.
The first pillar is the family. Boy and girl, female and male, educating according to their own beliefs. It can't be that someone comes into the school from outside and teaches the children about content that the parents don't agree with. These are our values with which we go to the European Union. We must preserve them. This is what the Holy Father John Paul II taught us.
The second pillar is a modern economyIt is a chance to go on the offensive, because everything indicates that the economic crisis will not affect us as much as it does Western Europe. There is an opportunity to go on the offensive. We need investments and good economic policy. We do not need quarrels but agreement. The Central Transportation Port and the Vistula Spit diversion are great national investments because we have to defend our issues and think in such a way. Small local investments are also important. These are our next tasks: broadband Internet in every school. The Internet financed by the state budget and not by local governments. Every Polish family should have it in their homes. Next: renewal of transport connections, modernization of abandoned railway stations. In two days we will decide what kind of Poland we want. Do we want development or the kind of Poland we had before 2015 - liquidation, "folding" Poland, raising the retirement age, who would it serve? We must remember the heroes who fought and dreamed of a free and independent Poland. Heroes are called heroes and traitors are called traitors. I want a Poland of dignity, a Poland of pride, a Poland whose authorities defend its good name. Please go to the polls, vote, urge others to vote, help those who cannot get to the polling stations by themselves.
I would like to continue to implement my work that began five years ago. We wanted man and family to be targeted as the most important elements in politics. We want a Poland that develops equally both in these big cities and smaller towns. We wanted equality in access to education.I am convinced that we will come through the coronavirus crisis successfully. I have no doubt about that. We can get on the road to a new economic policy with decent work and pay. We want to move towards the level of prosperity of Western Europe. Persuade those who are undecided and ask: compare your standard of living from before 2015 to that now. Long live Poland! - said the President.