The 27th session of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland will be held on October 4, 5 and 6 2016. The session will begin on Tuesday, October 4 at. 11.00
Below is the agenda for the meeting:
1. report of the Committee on National Defence on the governmental draft bill amending the Act on the Military Property Agency (drafts 841 and 866)
- rapporteur Wojciech Buczak.
2. the first reading of the government bill amending the Act on a complaint for violation of the right of a party to examine the case in the preparatory proceedings conducted or supervised by a prosecutor and the court proceedings without undue delay and some other acts (paper no 851)
- justifies the Minister of Justice.
3. first reading of the government bill amending the Excise Duty Act (print No. 849)
- justifies the Minister of Finance.
The first reading of the government bill amending the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, the Act on War Graves and Cemeteries, the Act on Museums, the Act on the Responsibility of Collective Entities for Acts Prohibited by Penalty and the Act on the Prohibition of the Propagation of Communism or Another Totalitarian Regime by the Names of Buildings, Structures and Public Utility Devices (Plot No. 806)
- justifies the Minister of Justice.
5. first reading of the parliamentary bill amending the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (Plot No. 771)
- justifies the MP Tomasz Rzymkowski.
6. the first reading of the parliamentary bill to amend the Civil Code (Pr. No. 816)
- justifies Joanna Schmidt.
7. the first reading of the parliamentary bill on the sale of food by farmers and amending certain other laws (print No. 854)
- Jarosław Sachajko, MEP.
8. the first reading of the citizen's bill on the restriction of trade on Sundays (Print No. 870)
- justifies the representative of the Legislative Initiative Committee, Alfred Bujara.
9. Report of the Committee on European Union Affairs on parliamentary draft resolutions on:
- TTIP and CETA international agreements,
- to oppose the European Commission's proposed procedure for ratifying the agreement between the European Union and Canada - CETA without the approval of the Member States,
- Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and its Member States and Canada (Prints Nos 727, 728, 831 and 858)
- rapporteur Dominik Tarczyński.
10. report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary Affairs and Immunity on the request of the Municipal Police Chief in Łódź of 8 June 2016 for the consent of the Sejm to prosecute the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control Krzysztof Kwiatkowski for a misdemeanour (print No. 862)
- rapporteur Mr Włodzimierz Bernacki.
11. report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary Affairs and Immunity on the motion of the Director of the Department for Organized Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor's Office of 10 June 2016 for the Sejm's consent to the prosecution of the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control Krzysztof Kwiatkowski (print No. 863)
- rapporteur Marek Opioła.
12 Information for the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland on the participation of the Republic of Poland in the work of the European Union in January-June 2016. (Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union) (print no. 712) together with the position of the Committee for European Union Affairs (print no. 714)
- speeches by the representative of the Government and by MP Izabela Kloc.
13 The document presented by the Prime Minister: "State of road traffic safety and measures implemented in this area in 2015" (print no. 493) together with the position of the Infrastructure Committee (print no. 560)
- speeches by the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction and by MP Grzegorz Adam Woźniak.
Current Affairs Questions.
Current Information.
The agenda may be supplemented by:
1. the report of the Committee on Infrastructure on the governmental draft act amending the act on road transport (form 459 and 459)
2 Report of the Committee on Administration and Internal Affairs on the parliamentary draft bill amending the Act on Departments of Government Administration and certain other acts (prints No 750 and )
- rapporteur Arkadiusz Czartoryski.
Report of the Committee on Digitalisation, Innovation and New Technologies, the Committee on Education, Science and Youth and the Committee on Public Finance on the governmental draft act on amendments to some acts determining the conditions for conducting innovative activity (prints No 789 and )
- rapporteur Marcin Horala.
4) Report of the Committee on Social Policy and the Family on the governmental draft act amending the act on the social insurance system (prints No 803 and )
- rapporteur Bożena Borys-Szopa.
5. the Report of the Committee on Social Policy and the Family on the Government Bill amending the Act on Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions and the Act on Pre-retirement Benefits (drafts 804 and 805).
- rapporteur Beata Mazurek.
6 Report of the Committee on European Union Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Government draft law on the ratification of the Agreement on enhanced partnership and cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the other part, drawn up in Astana on 21 December 2015. (Prints No. 817 and )
- rapporteur Barbara Bartuś.
1. consideration by the Sejm of the motion to supplement the agenda with an item: Information of the Prime Minister on the opinion issued by the European Commission concerning the state of the rule of law in Poland in connection with the ongoing procedure for the protection of the rule of law.
2. Resolution of the Sejm on the request to supplement the agenda with an item: Information of the Council of Ministers on the situation related to the planned application as of July 1, 2016 by the French Republic of regulations harmful to the Polish transport industry on the posting of workers in road transport on the territory of France, and actions taken by the government to halt the application of these regulations or their mitigation and forms of assistance planned by the government for Polish carriers to enable the correct application of the new regulations.
- Laws and draft laws intended to implement European Union law
Note: the order of consideration of agenda items is determined by the Speaker of the Sejm - in consultation with the Convention of Seniors - immediately before the sitting.