On November 16, Jozef Pilsudski sent a telegram to the President of the United States and the governments of Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and Germany, as well as to the governments of all countries participating in the war and neutral countries, in which he announced the existence of the Polish State.
"As Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army, I wish to notify the governments and nations at war and in neutral states of the existence of an Independent Polish State, encompassing all the territories of a united Poland. The political situation in Poland and the yoke of occupation have not yet allowed the Polish nation to speak freely about its fate. Thanks to the changes which have taken place as a result of the great victories of the allied armies, the restoration of Poland's independence and sovereignty is now an accomplished fact.
The Polish State is being established by the will of the whole nation and is based on democratic foundations. The government of Poland will replace the reign of violence that burdened the fate of Poland for one hundred and forty years with a system built on order and justice. Relying on the Polish Army under my command, I hope that henceforth no foreign army will enter Poland before we have formally expressed our will in this matter. I am convinced that the mighty democracies of the West will give their help and fraternal support to the Polish Republic, reborn and independent".