On July 25-26, 2015 in Smerek near Wetlina an international conference was held in the series "Europe of the Carpathians". The meeting focused on cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region.
Three panels discussed environmental protection in the sustainable development of the Carpathians (raw materials, infrastructure, energy, society, climate), the contemporary face of Carpathian tourism (economic cooperation, flavors, customs, heritage, trails), and outlined the prospects for cooperation.
In the afternoon the conference participants went to the Wyżna Pass, and from there to the shelter "Chatka Puchatka" on the Hasiakowa Rock (Połonina Wetlinska). There everyone got acquainted with the presentation entitled. "Vision of tourism development in Podkarpackie voivodeship".
Many distinguished people took part in the meeting - MPs of the Republic of Poland, professionals in the field of discussed topics from Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland, district heads, aldermen, councilors, etc. Kazimierz Węgrzyn, councillor of Sanok district, plenipotentiary of Law and Justice party in Sanok district and Tadeusz Nabywaniec, councillor of two terms of office of Sanok district, Beskidy guide, were also present.
The organizers were: Marek Kuchciński, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Carpathian Parliamentary Group, Wladyslaw Ortyl, Marshal of Podkarpackie Province, and Marek Andruch, Starost of Bieszczady District.
Source: pis.org.pl