The value of Law and Justice investments in Podkarpacie is about 15 billion PLN. One of them will be construction of western bypass of Przemysl.
During the announcement of the tender procedure, Marek Kuchciński emphasized that the purpose of the bypass is not only to reduce car traffic, reduce smog, improve safety, but also to increase the tourist availability of Podkarpacie. He recalled that a year ago in Przemyśl Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced the accession to the plan for this construction. - With Marshal Kuchciński we often talk about infrastructure. In the context of the announcement of the hundred bypasses program, we want the western bypass of Przemyśl to be built, beneficial for those moving south, wanting to enjoy the beauty of the Bieszczady Mountains, as well as creating better communication opportunities for Przemyśl itself. Also, Via Carpatia will mean reaching the northern parts of Poland, Warsaw, Białystok - said the head of government.
The western bypass of Przemyśl will be a part of national roads No. 28 and 77. According to initial estimates, it will cost ca. PLN 650 million. The route is to be ready in 2028. It is one of eight investments in Podkarpacie included in the government programme of building 100 bypasses.
The ring-road will improve transit traffic, which part is taken over from A4 freeway by national road No 77, leading further through Przemyśl eastwards to the border crossing with Ukraine in Medyka. The national road No 77 enables continuation of transport from the northern direction (Warsaw, Radom, Jaros³aw) in the southern direction to Przemy¶l and further on the national road No 28 to the border crossings in the south of Poland.