Letter from the Speaker of the Sejm to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Zadwór
Office for Veterans and Victims of Repression
Office for Veterans and Victims of Repression
In a few days the international conference "Carpathian Europe" will take place in Krynica. Together with "old" friends, in the beautiful August weather, we gathered and discussed the material for the next activities aimed at
Letter March '68
List of meetings outside the Polish Sejm: 1. official visit of the Speaker of the Sejm to Latvia: meeting with the President of Saeima Inârà Műrniece https://marekkuchcinski.pl/wydarzenia/bezpieczenstwo-przyszlosc-ue-relacje-dwustronne-zakonczyla-sie-oficjalna-wizyta-marszalka-sejmu-lotwie/ 2. official visit of the Speaker of the Sejm to
RESOLUTION of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on the initiative to establish the Wacław Felczak Foundation A community of destinies, a heritage of values, and Polish-Hungarian historical ties that have developed over time
Ladies and Gentlemen, the ceremonial funeral of the mortal remains of Colonel Marian Pilarski a.k.a. Jar and Second Lieutenant Stanisław Bizior a.k.a. Eam has a symbolic dimension. Today with particular force
Thank you for your invitation to the opening of the exhibition "The Oil Industry in the Podkarpacie Region in Photographs and Art of the 19th and 20th Centuries". I am convinced that the presentation of works
When the term "Polish Underground State" is mentioned, what immediately comes to mind are the Home Army, the Warsaw Uprising and the whole incredible resistance of the Polish nation, which did not even for a moment
Thank you for the invitation to the Antonina and Jan Żabiński Award Ceremony. Not being able to attend, this way
During its 47th session, the Polish Seym passed a resolution commemorating the 75th anniversary of the conspiratorial organ National Armed Forces. At today's session, it also passed a bill to
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