- Today we have another important event related to the Law and Justice program: we are building the western bypass of Przemyśl. Our goal is not only to reduce car traffic, reduce smog, improve safety, but also to increase the tourist availability of Podkarpacie, the Bieszczady," said Marek Kuchciński during a press conference.

The signing of the investment "Construction of the bypass of Przemyśl in the course of the national road No. 28/77" by the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk is a consequence of the announcement of the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on 8 October 2019 in Przemyśl and the efforts of the Speaker of the Sejm of the 8th term to include Przemyśl in the government program "100 bypasses". In a letter dated November 4, addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure, he stressed, among other things, that the transport system of the city and its immediate surroundings is not adapted to the constantly increasing car traffic, which leads to the jamming of the main transport routes in the morning and afternoon hours. According to Marek Kuchciński, this is a nuisance both for the residents of the city and the neighbouring municipalities.
- The solution to the problem in question is the "Western Bypass of Przemyśl": a ring road running through the area of communes: Orły, Żurawica, Przemyśl and Krasiczyn. The marshal also stressed that taking this request into consideration will make it possible to bypass Przemyśl and shorten the transit time for transit traffic towards Krosno, Bieszczady, Arłamów, Kalwaria Pacławska and the planned border crossing with Ukraine in Malhowice," the marshal wrote.
A similar proposal was also put forward to Minister Adamczyk by the representatives of the local governments of the Przemyśl district

One of the most awaited roads in the Podkarpackie Province is to be completed by 2028. As part of the "100 bypasses" program, new roads will also be built in Brzostek and Kołaczyce, Jasło, Kolbuszowa, Miejsce Piastowe, Nowa Dęba, Pilzno and Sanok.